Friday, November 7, 2008

Daddy's Favorite Shop For Honey's Best Prom Dress Ever

It's prom time and you have been asked to the prom, how exciting, you're a bundle of nerves. You know you need the perfect dress, and you know that you have to ask your daddy to buy you that perfect dress. That could be a difficult situation, you know your daddy's girl, but you also know when it comes to shopping he just doesn't get it, to look your best it costs money. You can't just show up at the prom in anything, it has to be prefect, it has to be one of a kind because there is nothing worse than having the same dress as someone else and daddy just doesn't get this either, sometimes you think it would be easier if you were a boy.

So, you begin your search for a dress knowing that while you want it perfect it has to also be one that you can ask daddy to pay for. The local mall is out, every girl going to the prom will be shopping there, and then it hits you, the computer, you can look online and order a dress. You think that is a perfect idea, no one else can possibly end up with the same dress and you can show the pictures of it to daddy, he can't possibly say no with all the work you have put into finding a one of a kind dress.

As you search the Internet you find the selection is terrific, dresses in every style, every color and best of all for making your case every price. In fact their prices are so much cheaper than the mall so daddy will like that, which means you will be allowed to get any dress you pick out. If nothing else you know what kind of prices you have problems getting daddy to pay and these are way below those prices. Best of all there is a phone number on the website so credit card information does not have to be given over the Internet, and that is a big plus in your favor, you know your parents are not fond of giving their credit card information over the internet.

In your own way you understand why there is a price limit on prom dresses set by your parents, after all you won't wear it to your next prom, so it's going to sit in your closet in a plastic bag from the dry cleaners after the prom. Who knows if you will ever find another place to wear it that all your school friends will not see you wearing the same dress, in fact you may never find another place to wear this dress.

This was such a great idea; daddy was so pleased with the price he didn't complain once. You might even tell your friends about the prom dress that you got and you will show them yours so they don't buy the same dress since there are so many beautiful ones on their website.

A loving mother, photographer, and home business owner, she has great passion for fashion and writes and comments on prom, homecoming, and bridesmaid dresses. She lives in Pennsylvania.

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