Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What Should You Expect From A Knockoff Handbag?

Finding the perfect handbag can be such an ordeal! There is no such thing as one size fits all. We need a different handbag for different occasions. This is one thing that makes the knockoff handbag so appealing. You can get several bags for different occasions for the price of one designer bag. The problem often lies in determining what to look for in a knockoff handbag. So what should you consider when purchasing a designer replica handbag?

How authentic does it look?

Looks matter when it comes to designer or knockoff handbags. You do not want to invest any money at all in a handbag that is supposed to imitate those created by your favorite designer if it doesn't look anything like the real deal. Honestly, that defeats the purpose all together. Only choose bags that closely resemble the bags you wish worked into your budget. This makes the decision a lot less painful and more attractive.

How does it feel?

While most replica handbags are not made with the same quality ingredients or leather that your favorite designer uses you want a bag that feels as good as it looks. More importantly, you want to try it on for size. How does it feel on your shoulder or arm? Does it fit just right or will you be constantly adjusting it because it feels awkward? This will actually say far less about the quality of the design than it does about the fit. Some bags just aren't meant to fit all women.

Does it pass the Casual Glance Test?

If you place your bag a few feet away from the designer bag that inspired it, are you able to recognize noticeable differences between the two? If not, chances are that you will rarely be close enough to the exact designer label bag to matter. If at first glance it looks like Coach, Hermes, or Louis Vuitton you are golden and your bag can save you some serious gold.

Does the knockoff handbag offer your favorite design feature?

Each designer offers a little something special to those who purchase their handbags. Whether your favorite among these features is a concealed pocket inside, versatile features, or whatever you need to make sure the knockoff bag you buy offers the same feature or that you are certain you will be satisfied without it.

Buying knockoff bags can save a lot of money while allowing you to build an adequate wardrobe of handbags for all occasions. Understand what is important to you and what you can live without in order to enjoy prolonged enjoyment of your new designer imitation handbag.

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Source: http://www.articlemonk.com/Article/What-Should-You-Expect-From-A-Knockoff-Handbag-/38061
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