Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Battle for the Mind of Todays Youth-One Christians Perspective

It's difficult to be the Christian parent of a teen these days. The struggle to raise them to become a decent, moral adult is so hard that about the only thing more difficult is actually being a teen.

There is a definite war going on to influence the thoughts and attitudes of today's youth. The battlefields are many; clothing, music, television and movies are just the beginning.

The movies are the worst. The majority of movies being produced today are rated "R" for restricted. Movies that could have some merit are peppered with profanity and sexually explicit scenes to crank the rating up to "R". It is easy for teens to get access to these movies through cable or satellite television or on DVDs. Older teens can walk into the theaters and see them.

Pay attention to the movies with the PG-13 ratings which are targeted to teen viewers. Many have demonic themes with the screens filled with ghosts, demonic beings, or witchcraft, all designed to entice the teen to watch for the thrill of the scare. Little do they know that those nightmarish scenes live on in their minds long after the movie has ended.

Then there is Harry Potter which has produced an entire industry of books, movies, games, clothing and whatever. Did you let your kids read the Harry Potter books? Some parents did, thinking "Well, at least they are reading." Are you kidding me? Do you know what the Bible says about witchcraft? Exodus 22:18 NIV says "Do not allow a sorceress to live." Well, that sounds pretty serious.

Television is equally bad. Casual sex is everywhere, even in hamburger commercials. The occult is portrayed as fun and powerful. Currently there are Mediums and Ghost Whisperers portrayed plus shows with real people claiming to converse with the dead. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 NIV says "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD...."

So, what is a parent to do? Pray hard, talk to your teens about what they are seeing and discuss the good and bad points. Parents can put controls on their own televisions to prohibit certain ratings from being displayed.

Encourage your teen to attend Christian youth groups so that they have associates who understand the restrictions put on them and to have peer pressure work in your favor.

Music is another major battlefield with much of secular music promoting sex, violence, drugs and even suicide. Fortunately there are many Christian bands and artists available in popular music styles but with Christian themes. Guide your teen in that direction. Review the CDs that they listen to and don't forget to check the content on their iPods.

The fashion designers have made it appear that our daughters are leaving home to work the "oldest profession" instead of walk to school. Finding modest apparel is not easy. If your teen's shirt must say something, make sure that the message speaks life. You may have a difficult time finding stylish clothing that makes a bold Christian statement that your teens will love in your local stores. Check online Christian clothing companies, you will be pleasantly surprised with the selections available at affordable prices.

Good luck, pray hard, and stay involved in your teen's life. You both will survive these few years.

When looking for positive alternatives, Bethany Chastain recommends the awesome online ministry at C28. Its not your typical religious clothing, as C28 offers an alternative and offers teens a way to share their faith with Christian t-shirts, music, or Jewelry as great way to start a conversation!

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