Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ghillie Suit - Bring Out The Best Out Of Your Ghillie Suit

Customization of your ghillie suit will give the most effective use out of this ultimate in camouflage apparel.

The base of a ghillie suit is made with a stainable durable fabric such as burlap. As nearly invisible as possible, fishing line or unscented dental floss is used to sew each knot of net to the fabric where the camouflage is going to be attached. Hot glue or shoe glue is applied to each knot to strengthen the ghillie suit. The ghillie suit is then weathered by soaking it in mud or manure to give it an earthy smell, or running over or dragging it with a car. Depending on the activity, one can also add elements from their surroundings to the ghillie suit, such as leaves and foliage, to maintain as much camouflage as possible.

Ghillie suits can be made in several different ways and with a variety of materials. Some ghillie suits makers use Hessian, a rough burlap in flutes that are attached to a net poncho. Other makers use a jute twine to attach to a net poncho. In this day and age, the most common civilian uses of ghillie suits are hunting and paint-balling. The ghillie suit is ideal for both activities, but with proper customization, you can bring out the most from your ghillie suit.

Standard Feature You Should Look For

Fire Retardant - It is vital that you treat your ghillie suit with fire retardant before use. Alternatively look to buy a Ghillie that is already certified as fire retardant.

Lightweight - Temperatures inside a Ghillie suit while under activity can reach over 50 Degrees Celsius which are not only uncomfortable but potentially dangerous. The best quality Ghillies available weight in at only 3lbs!

Quality Netting Materials - Your Ghillie must have quality netting materials if it is to remain effectively customizable. The best Ghillie suits come with 3/4" netting that is both proofed against water and bugs. Make sure that your netting does not let you down.

Ghillie Suit Customization Tips

Velcro Buttons - Normal buttons are constantly getting caught on things while crawling. Consider replacing all of your buttons with Velcro.

Elbow and knee padding - This is the most effective way to prevent your elbows and knees from getting sore

Camelback - Incorporating a Camelback into your Ghillie Suit will allow you quench your thirst without giving up your position.

Mosquito netting - Replace the armpits with netting to lower the temperature in that ghillie suit of yours way down!

Thumb loops to the sleeves - Sew on thumb loops to the end of the sleeves. This allows you to put your thumbs in to them and will prevent your arms from riding up while you are trying to get into a better position for that perfect shot.

Leg cuffs to the pants - Another common problem is that the With the addition of some leg cuffs you can easily keep those pant legs in place so that it doe not start riding up while crawling in prone.

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