Friday, February 15, 2008

Wallets, Purses & Duffle Bags

Finding the right wallets, purses, and duffle bags to carry your items in can be quite a chore. Most women have more wallets, purses, and duffle bags than they know what to do with. Yet they inevitability pick up more of them while out shopping. They may just be browsing and a wallet, purse, or duffle bag catches their eye. Sometimes they are out looking just for a wallet, purse, or duffle bag to accessorize with a particular outfit.

Wallets, purses, and duffle bags come in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. The trends tend to move from one extreme to the other when it comes to size. For a while you will see women walking around with wallets, purses, and duffle bags large enough to have everything but the kitchen sink in. Then the trend shifts to having a micro wallet, purse, or duffle bag that they can barely fit anything into. Take a look at this phenomenon from time to time and you will be surprised at how often it seems to shift.

A variety of materials are used to create wallets, purses, and duffle bags as well. Some of the common ones are silk, denim, leather, and canvas. The particular type of material used to make wallets, purses, and duffle bags greatly influences the price of them. Leather wallets, purses, and duffle bags are among the most expensive.

Another factor that affects the price of wallets, purses, and duffle bags is the brand name on it. There are wallets, purses, and duffle bags found at a variety of retail stores for a fair price. Outlet stores offer them for a very low price. Some of the higher priced name brand wallets, purses, and duffle bags can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. They offer the best quality of product though.

Many people save money on high priced wallets, purses, and duffle bags by purchasing knock offs and imitations of brand name ones. While the quality may not be as good they enjoy giving the impression that they are carrying around a very expensive wallet, purse, or duffle bag. Most people really can't identify a clone versus the real thing so the imitation wallet, purse, or duffle bag goes undetected.

Finding the right wallets, purses, and duffle bags for you should be about more than just the price, the brand name, and how well it accessories with your outfits. These items need to serve a need. Many people carry a cell phone these days so a purse or duffle bag with a pouch on the outside for the cell phone is always popular. This way you always know where it is.

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